How to get rid of dark circles? Isn’t it what you are looking for? Well, these black patches are not something that makes us cute like pandas and raccoons. It’s their thing and we get it unsolicited. But that’s okay! It’s just like an unwanted guest that leaves in our home for days, annoys us, and disappears when we take the right action against it. So, it’s time to say Bye-Bye to the obnoxious guest and welcome luminous under-eye skin to leave in forever.

Maybe you don’t know where these unwanted guests come from? But everything happens for a reason. And we need to find out how we can get dark circles in the first place so that we can send it right back to where it came from. So give me a hand to find out the causes of dark circles so that we can hunt them down and get rid of them. Until your dark circles truly disappear you can hide them by using concealers for dark circles.

What Causes Dark Circles?

Ohh!! I just found out the reason that makes your skin around eyes darker. Our skin around the eyes is the thinnest and delicate than the rest of the face. When it doesn’t get what it needs to be healthy the blood vessels in the skin break off and leak and make the skin turn darker. 

Now, the questions are what does your skin need or who are the culprits that damage the tiny blood vessels? Don’t go the extra mile to find it. I have already done this for you. Voila!

Here are the causes of dark circles:

  • Allergies
  • Sun Exposure
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of Moisturization
  • Genetics
  • Rubbing Your Eyes
  • Lack of Sleep
  • Eye Strain

So, you see! How some of your habits or allergies make your skin around the eyes darker. Now, don’t you wanna know what is the best treatment or remedy for dark circles you can use to remove dark circles from your face permanently. 

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles: 5 Easy Ways

Dark circles make our gorgeous faces dull and tired and make us look like the most hard-working people among people. Nobody cares! What we do or don’t do but everyone does care about how we look and dark circles are not less than an enormous stone laying our road to look gorgeous. Enough is enough! It’s time to throw it off by using the best ways to get rid of dark circles.

1. Get Enough Sleep

When you find an increment in your dark circle’s appearance. Do nothing but sleep. Yes! Eye strain and lack of sleep cause your under-eye skin to get swollen and dark. Give them some rest they deserve. It’s not only for a day or two. You should get at least 7-8 hours per day. Keeping your body healthy will make you beautiful.

I understand it’s not really easy when you have a lot of work to catch up on. But let me give you a quick tip: Examine your daily routine, keep 7-8 hours aside and reorganize your schedule and task accordingly and cut back to the things that take time but don’t matter. 

2. Massage with Castor Oil 

You know what! Dryness not only makes skin look flaky but also makes it prone to damage and under the eyes, skin is already delicate and it can’t afford dryness anymore. If you are only using a moisturizer that is formulated for your facial skin is not gonna fulfill the nourishment your under eyes skin needs.

The best way to remove the dark circle is to provide your under eyes skin optimum nourishment so that it can revitalize collagen and skin cells and become healthy and beautiful. Let me tell you how breezy removing dark circles around the eyes are: all you need to do is massage your eyes with a few drops of castor oil in a circular motion for 5 minutes. It will increase blood circulation and provide an abundance of nourishment, vitamins, and minerals to improve the skin texture and damage and reduce the appearance of dark circles.

3. Green Tea Bag

Dark circles flare up when blood vessels get damaged. Well, there is a way to shrink down your damaged and swollen blood vessels that are responsible for your under-eye dark circles. Green tea! Yes… green tea is loaded with caffeine, tannies, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that don’t only treat the damaged blood vessels but also kill allergy-causing bacteria and inflammation on your eyes.

Green tea is beneficial for your health and your skin as well. It is enriched with antioxidants that help to keep you fresh and your skin radiant throughout the day. So, after you have brewed your green tea, put the tea bag directly in the freezer for 10 minutes. Drink your green tea and put green tea bags on both of your eyes and relax. 

4. Cucumber Juice

Cucumber is enriched with an abundance of hydration and antioxidants that your dark under eyes skin is constantly craving for. So give your eyes what it wants with the coolness of cucumber juice. Either you can put a chilled cucumber slice directly on your eyelids for 20 minutes or can extract cucumber juice and saturate two cotton balls in it and put it on your eyes to get the most out of it.

5. Under-eye Creams

Wouldn’t it be great if you could know how to get rid of dark circles overnight? It would probably feel like bouncing up and down in heaven with sparkling eyes and everlasting joy. Unfortunately, it’s not nearly possible but how to remove dark circles fast is. 

Under-eye creams are specially formulated for delicate under-eye skin and contain nourishing and skin-lightening elements that help to improve skin texture and lighten dark circles faster.

In this article, I have shared some of the best ways for how to get rid of dark circles at home. I hope you enjoyed reading through our article and use these amazing tips to remove your dark circles permanently.